
Discussing Africa’s transition to net-zero

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We have set the long-term ambition to reach net zero state by 2050 for our scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. This commitment includes both financed emissions and operational emissions.

Having identified our three ESG focus areas, we will invest to deliver a truly ambitious agenda: financial inclusion, diversity and inclusion, and climate.

Quote by David Renwick

The Road to COP26: Opportunities, Challenges and the African Transition to net-zero

Africa can increase energy access, create jobs and keep carbon emission low. A recent analysis, undertaken by the Economic Commission for Africa based on country case studies done with Oxford University and Vivid Economics, has shown that job creation and gross value addition are dramatically stronger when a low carbon investment pathway is taken. Read more

Quote by Heidi Barends

Supporting resilient food systems in the face of growing food insecurity

More than 800 million people are malnourished across the world, and increasingly frequent and intense extreme weather events threaten major food sources. Africa is particularly at risk: approximately half of Africa’s population experiences food insecurity and the continent is warming more rapidly than the rest of the world. Read more 

Quote by Heidi Barends

Mitigating the climate crisis and driving inclusive growth

Large investments are required across the African continent to combat climate change and drive inclusive growth. The African Development Bank estimates that financing for the continent's infrastructure falls short by up to $108 billion per year. This is where sustainable finance plays an important role. Read more

Quote by Tidjane Thiam

Africa raises its war with climate change


The battle to combat climate change also demands global cooperation so that no country is left behind, since we all share the same skies. And although Africa generates less than 4% of the world’s carbon footprint and bears very little blame for climate change, it already suffers the brunt of the damage with floods, famine, droughts and plagues.Read more


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