Absa respects and upholds human rights principles, we are committed to operating in accordance with the Group’s statement on human rights to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the associated International Bill of Human Rights, and take account of other internationally accepted human rights standards, including the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the International Labour Organisation Core Conventions and Treaties and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights [also known as the African Union (AU) Banjul Charter].
The Group’s commitments to upholding human rights are outlined in the Absa Group Statement on Human Rights
As a founding signatory to the Principles for Responsible Banking under the United Nations Environment Programme - Finance Initiative, we are committed to addressing our environmental impacts. We take steps to identify and manage our environmental risks - both direct (such as consumption and disposal of resources within our operations) and indirect (such as those arising through our supply chain or through the provision of financial services to businesses or projects that could have material environmental impacts).
In fulfilling our environmental responsibilities, we:
- Comply with all applicable environmental legislation in the countries in which we operate.
- Adhere to our environmental management standard and operating procedures.
- Integrate environmental considerations into business decisions.
- Consider environmental implications in our lending evaluations by applying environmental and social risk criteria embedded in Absa’s internal credit policies and processes.
- Collaborate with relevant key suppliers to improve the environmental performance of our supply chain.
- Use sustainable practices in property design and management.
- Set and regularly review targets for key aspects of our environmental performance.
In line with regulations and ethical responsibility, Absa has policies (including the Conflict of Interest Policy) and controls managing conflicts of interest, and takes appropriate measures to avoid or properly identify and manage potential conflicts. As part of this, we review and understand the different roles associated with introducing and distributing products and services as Absa is required to ensure suitability and appropriateness for the market in order to avoid any conflicts that may harm the customer’s or client’s interests Where we cannot avoid conflicts, we are transparent about their existence and take steps to manage them proactively by, for example, separating particular business functions and decision-making processes and managing confidential information.
The exchange of gifts and entertainment is a normal part of doing business and can legitimately build goodwill in business relationships. However, inappropriate or excessive gifts and entertainment offered to and received from third parties (including customers, suppliers and public officials) can be used to exert improper influence and amount to or create the impression of bribery.
We do not offer, accept or solicit gifts or entertainment inappropriately as an incentive or means of influencing actions or opinions. Guidance on what is and is not acceptable is outlined in the Absa Gifts and Entertainment Policy, Standard and relevant business procedures.
Absa is committed to complying with competition/anti-trust laws in all the jurisdictions in which we operate, as set out in our Competition/Anti-trust Policy. Competition laws prohibit anti-competitive behaviour, such as collaborating with competitors which would disadvantage clients and customers.
Absa is committed to conducting our activities free from any form of bribery or corruption. We adopt a zero-tolerance approach to any acts of bribery or corruption perpetrated by Absa employees, suppliers and others with whom we do business or who act on our behalf.
Anything that has a value could be perceived to be a bribe where the purpose is to improperly obtain, retain business or secure an advantage for the Group. This includes items such as cash payments, excessive gifts and hospitality, charitable donations, sponsorships and preferential treatment in relation to employment or work opportunities. We also take particular care when giving anything of value to public officials (including employees of government or state-owned entities) due to the strict rules and regulations that may apply to their roles and responsibilities.
Our Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Policy is designed to provide our position in regards to local and international laws and global best practices.
Any suspicions of or attempts at bribery or corruption, or suspected or actual breaches of the Absa Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Policy must be reported. The whistleblowing and contact details sections later in this document explain how to do so.
Financial institutions are at the forefront of the fight against criminals who attempt to use our products or systems to launder the proceeds of their crimes, to finance terrorism or to bypass applicable national and international sanction laws, including trade embargoes. We are committed to preventing and disrupting criminal access to financial services markets and our systems, protecting our customers, clients, employees and others with whom we do business and supporting governments, regulators and law enforcement in wider crime prevention.
The legislative framework, where applicable and based on jurisdiction, imposes personal liability for failing to adhere to the regulatory requirements pertaining to anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and sanctions, and criminal liability for facilitating money laundering or terrorist financing and circumventing sanction controls.
Fraud is dishonest behaviour with the intent to make a gain or cause a loss to others, through misrepresentation, abusing positions of trust or failing to disclose information. We have zero tolerance for fraud and other dishonest actions perpetrated by employees. As the Group’s defences become more robust, fraudsters are increasingly targeting customers and staff directly.
Our ability to safeguard our Group and customer assets is only as strong as our efforts as individuals. Employees are required to support the organisation’s efforts to combat fraud by being vigilant, taking proactive steps to report incidents and following processes and procedures that have a number of built-in fraud controls.
The legislative framework, where applicable and based on jurisdiction, imposes personal liability for failing to adhere to the regulatory requirements pertaining to anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and sanctions, and criminal liability for facilitating money laundering or terrorist financing and circumventing sanction controls.
We take great pride in the Absa brand and strive to act with the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all that we do. We encourage everyone to speak up if you believe something is not right - like misconduct, fraud or illegal activity - or if you feel that our standards are not being met.
All stakeholders should act in good faith by only reporting information that you reasonably believe to be true. We prohibit malicious and false reporting.
Concerns raised are taken seriously, treated sensitively and, where appropriate, investigated independently. Where permitted by law, you can raise your concerns with the whistleblowing team anonymously through various channels (see section 6 for more detail).
No person will be treated less favourably or discriminated or retaliated against because they have raised a concern.
The legislative framework, where applicable and based on jurisdiction, imposes personal liability for failing to adhere to the regulatory requirements pertaining to anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and sanctions, and criminal liability for facilitating money laundering or terrorist financing and circumventing sanction controls.