Media release

Media release

Absa funds building rentals to support South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) for three years

18 July 2024

In a significant move to support mental health initiatives in South Africa, Absa is proud to announce its funding of rentals for a building for the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG). This three-year funding will provide SADAG with essential space for their 24-hour call centre and office operations.

SADAG, established 30 years ago, serves as a vital support network for the thousands of South Africans living with mental health issues nationwide. The organisation manages a 30-line counselling-and-referral call centre and operates over 170 free Support Groups across the country. Currently, it is estimated that 1 in 3 people in South Africa will experience a mental illness at some point in their lifetime.

With the building sponsored by Absa, SADAG will be better equipped to manage the over a million calls it receives annually from individuals seeking help with depression, anxiety and suicide. The building will also train volunteer counsellors and support groups, and operates the country’s only suicide crisis help line.

KG Bako, Managing Executive: Talent Management & Transitions says, “In the spirit of Mandela Month, we are honoured to work with the South African Depression and Anxiety Group and support their efforts to assist South Africans suffering from depression and anxiety. We take matters of mental health seriously within our organisation. We recognise the profound impact that mental health has on our employees' wellbeing and productivity. By supporting initiatives like SADAG, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a healthy, supportive, inclusive, and safe work environment for all.”

“Mental health challenges and burnout can result from rigorous deadlines, heavy workloads, long hours and a lack of psychological safety, as well as job and financial insecurity. Businesses must address mental health issues in the workplace for the sake of both the workers and the organisation’s bottom line. When employees faced with mental health challenges are not supported, it will adversely impact their engagement and productivity levels,” Bako added.

According to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), mental health issues affect 1 in 3 South Africans at some point in their lives. Alarmingly, only 1 in 10 South Africans with a mental illness receive the treatment they need, leaving 9 out of 10 without access to essential mental health care. The majority of calls received by SADAG come from women and youth aged 18 to 35 years, highlighting a critical gap in mental health support for these vulnerable groups.

Roshni Parbhoo-Seetha, Project Manager at SADAG, expressed gratitude: "We are humbled by the generous funding of the building, which will allow us to help a million South Africans suffering from mental health challenges. In recognition of this, we will honour Absa’s generosity with a plaque in our office space as a token of appreciation for their continued support."

“Depression and anxiety impact us all. We encourage South Africans to use the anonymous, free resources available and seek help. The Depression and Anxiety Helpline can be reached at 0800 70 80 90, and the Cipla Mental Health WhatsApp chatline is available from 8 AM to 5 PM at 076 882 277. Don't hesitate to reach out for the support you need”, Parbhoo-Seetha ended.

18 July 2024

In a significant move to support mental health initiatives in South Africa, Absa is proud to announce its funding of rentals for a building for the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG). This three-year funding will provide SADAG with essential space for their 24-hour call centre and office operations.

SADAG, established 30 years ago, serves as a vital support network for the thousands of South Africans living with mental health issues nationwide. The organisation manages a 30-line counselling-and-referral call centre and operates over 170 free Support Groups across the country. Currently, it is estimated that 1 in 3 people in South Africa will experience a mental illness at some point in their lifetime.

With the building sponsored by Absa, SADAG will be better equipped to manage the over a million calls it receives annually from individuals seeking help with depression, anxiety and suicide. The building will also train volunteer counsellors and support groups, and operates the country’s only suicide crisis help line.

KG Bako, Managing Executive: Talent Management & Transitions says, “In the spirit of Mandela Month, we are honoured to work with the South African Depression and Anxiety Group and support their efforts to assist South Africans suffering from depression and anxiety. We take matters of mental health seriously within our organisation. We recognise the profound impact that mental health has on our employees' wellbeing and productivity. By supporting initiatives like SADAG, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a healthy, supportive, inclusive, and safe work environment for all.”

“Mental health challenges and burnout can result from rigorous deadlines, heavy workloads, long hours and a lack of psychological safety, as well as job and financial insecurity. Businesses must address mental health issues in the workplace for the sake of both the workers and the organisation’s bottom line. When employees faced with mental health challenges are not supported, it will adversely impact their engagement and productivity levels,” Bako added.

According to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), mental health issues affect 1 in 3 South Africans at some point in their lives. Alarmingly, only 1 in 10 South Africans with a mental illness receive the treatment they need, leaving 9 out of 10 without access to essential mental health care. The majority of calls received by SADAG come from women and youth aged 18 to 35 years, highlighting a critical gap in mental health support for these vulnerable groups.

Roshni Parbhoo-Seetha, Project Manager at SADAG, expressed gratitude: "We are humbled by the generous funding of the building, which will allow us to help a million South Africans suffering from mental health challenges. In recognition of this, we will honour Absa’s generosity with a plaque in our office space as a token of appreciation for their continued support."

“Depression and anxiety impact us all. We encourage South Africans to use the anonymous, free resources available and seek help. The Depression and Anxiety Helpline can be reached at 0800 70 80 90, and the Cipla Mental Health WhatsApp chatline is available from 8 AM to 5 PM at 076 882 277. Don't hesitate to reach out for the support you need”, Parbhoo-Seetha ended.